We have a selection of coffee plantations, each contains 10 to 1,000 acres of land and they are priced according to location, quality of the crop and existing infrastructure. Costa Rica, by law, can only grow Arabica coffee - the highest quality of coffee on the planet. it thrives in the cooler mountainous regions surrounding the Central Valley and San Jose. We have on staff, and available to plantation owners, qualified agricultural engineers that specialize in coffee production to assist new owners with the appropriate advice and personnel if necessary. Speaking from personal experience I can tell you that the plantation life is an absolutely splendid Lifestyle, particularly if you add some horses to the equation to get around the plantation! For absentee owners we supply a complete management package that covers the planting, growing, harvesting, selling and maintenance of their plantation presenting them with net profit checks on a periodic basis. If you have interest in putting your money to work, call or write director@costaricalandcompany.net for an initial consultation to discuss your thoughts, ideas and desires.